
Schedule a free 20-30 minute exploratory session by phone or Zoom.

Send your requests, questions,
comments and suggestions to

Office @ ToniaP.com  OR

Rev.ToniaP @ gmail.com

Location: Massachusetts USA

Time Zone: Eastern (ET or EDT)

Pay now for your scheduled service or event. Thank you!

Your love offering for a free service or event is greatly appreciated and supports greater access to those who cannot afford fee-based services or events.    (Donations are currently not tax deductible.)

heartfelt thanks and blissful kisses

feeling gratitude, “completely happy and totally fulfilled” in this moment . . . because of you!

ENJOY!  I’m Connected [2:47]: Improvised music & lyrics created by Improvelocity (c) 2006. Personnel: Tonia P (alto), Andrea Loretz-Frey (soprano), Joel Cohen (cello), Lia Davis (piano), Ukumbwa Sauti (percussion, whistle), Michael Carey (flute, tenor sax).

If you like this song, listen to the New England Art Scene Podcast interview of Improvelocity members, and more examples of our multi-genre, improvised music on the Interviews page.